Food-and-Feed-versus-Fuel Issues
• There is little danger that biofuel production will impinge on food crop production,
especially over the long run. Feedstocks for the current generation of biofuels consist
primarily of varieties of corn and oilseeds that are not grown directly for human
consumption. American agriculture’s challenge is one of overproduction, which is
why the United States has perennial crop surpluses.1
• A study by the Department of Energy’s National Oak Ridge Laboratory found that
the United States could displace more than one-third of its current oil consumption
with biofuels while continuing to meet demands for food, feed, and export.2
• Looking to the future, non-food crops and materials now considered waste will
become the primary feedstocks for biofuel production. Ongoing and growing research
will optimize cellulosic feedstocks, including energy crops such as switchgrass,
hybrid poplars and other prairie grasses, and residues such as corn stalks, wheat
straw, forest trimmings, sawdust, wood chips, yard waste, municipal solid waste and
even animal wastes.3
• The United States could produce 40 billion gallons of ethanol a year – equivalent to
20 percent of current gasoline demand – from agricultural residues alone. And crops
such as switchgrass can be planted on marginal land, reducing the need to use
productive cropland or forests for energy crop production.4
• The use of agricultural products for energy is not likely to have more than a minor
impact on retail food prices. Less than 5 percent of the cost of corn flakes or corn
syrup, for example, stems from the price of corn. Energy costs associated with
packaging, advertising and transportation represent a larger share of costs.5
• The production of ethanol yields a by-product called distillers grains that is a highprotein
cattle feed and can replace corn for half of the animal’s diet, and advancing
technology is expected to make it a more useful substitute for pork and poultry.6
• The National Corn Growers Association says as much as 15 to 20 billion gallons of
ethanol can come from corn without disrupting other markets; also, ongoing advances
in technology increase corn yields will moderate corn price increases.7
• Evidence suggests new demand for biofuels can ease world hunger by attracting
investment that supports agricultural improvements, which will benefit food
especially over the long run. Feedstocks for the current generation of biofuels consist
primarily of varieties of corn and oilseeds that are not grown directly for human
consumption. American agriculture’s challenge is one of overproduction, which is
why the United States has perennial crop surpluses.1
• A study by the Department of Energy’s National Oak Ridge Laboratory found that
the United States could displace more than one-third of its current oil consumption
with biofuels while continuing to meet demands for food, feed, and export.2
• Looking to the future, non-food crops and materials now considered waste will
become the primary feedstocks for biofuel production. Ongoing and growing research
will optimize cellulosic feedstocks, including energy crops such as switchgrass,
hybrid poplars and other prairie grasses, and residues such as corn stalks, wheat
straw, forest trimmings, sawdust, wood chips, yard waste, municipal solid waste and
even animal wastes.3
• The United States could produce 40 billion gallons of ethanol a year – equivalent to
20 percent of current gasoline demand – from agricultural residues alone. And crops
such as switchgrass can be planted on marginal land, reducing the need to use
productive cropland or forests for energy crop production.4
• The use of agricultural products for energy is not likely to have more than a minor
impact on retail food prices. Less than 5 percent of the cost of corn flakes or corn
syrup, for example, stems from the price of corn. Energy costs associated with
packaging, advertising and transportation represent a larger share of costs.5
• The production of ethanol yields a by-product called distillers grains that is a highprotein
cattle feed and can replace corn for half of the animal’s diet, and advancing
technology is expected to make it a more useful substitute for pork and poultry.6
• The National Corn Growers Association says as much as 15 to 20 billion gallons of
ethanol can come from corn without disrupting other markets; also, ongoing advances
in technology increase corn yields will moderate corn price increases.7
• Evidence suggests new demand for biofuels can ease world hunger by attracting
investment that supports agricultural improvements, which will benefit food